Mark Abels, President and CEO of Selco Companies donated the above Scholarship of Honor watches to Brian's Foundation.

Doug LaViolette was able to meet with him at the PPAI tradeshow in Las Vegas last week and presented him this special plaque:
On behalf of its many scholarship recipients, The Brian LaViolette Scholarship Foundation extends its deepest gratitude to:
Doug LaViolette was able to meet with him at the PPAI tradeshow in Las Vegas last week and presented him this special plaque:
Mark Abels
Selco Companies
Through the generous support of Selco Companies, the memory of our nation's service men and women, and their commitment to duty, honor and country, live on through the Scholarship of Honor. Thanks to the donation of Selco’s beautiful timepieces, that message will continue to be spread by those scholarship recipients who share a passion for community service and love of country.
Selco Companies
Through the generous support of Selco Companies, the memory of our nation's service men and women, and their commitment to duty, honor and country, live on through the Scholarship of Honor. Thanks to the donation of Selco’s beautiful timepieces, that message will continue to be spread by those scholarship recipients who share a passion for community service and love of country.