"The Journey is the Reward" Scholarship

Brian believed in hard work; he wrote “the more I want to get something done, the less I call it work!” His aunt, Sue LeTourneau, feels the same way, and in 2004 started two annual scholarships that she funds through various fundraisers, including “Brats for Brian,” a tailgate party at Green Bay Packers games. These scholarships touch the lives of students from Oconto High School.

Scholarship Recipients


Sophia Moody is studying Communications at UW-Madison

Jacob Floyd is pursuing a degree in Supply Chain Management at St. Norbert College

Suring High School recipient:  Claire Pommerich is studying Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences


Lauryn Henzel is studying Animal Science- Pre Veterinary at University of River Falls

Alyse Viestenz is studying Exercise Sports and Science- Pre Physical Therapy at UW-LaCrosse

Suring High School recipient.. Ashtyn Edwards is enlisted in the National Guard and studying Physical Therapy at UW- Stevens Point


Hannah Moe is studying Nursing at UW-Oshkosh

Juliana Sieber is pursuing a degree in Christian Counseling at Wisconsin Lutheran College

Suring High School-Gavin Fredenburg is studying Wildlife Ecology at UW-Stevens Point.



Will Sherman is studying Business at Elmhurst University.


There were two Journey is the Reward Scholarship recipients from Oconto High School

Katrina Salewski 

Journey 2020 Aubree bucheger.jpeg

Aubree Buchegar

Suring High School recipeint

Journey 2020 - Khyleigh Ryan (2).jpeg

Khyleigh Ryan Design arts and business adminUWGB


There were two Journey is the Reward Scholarship recipients from Oconto High School

Journey 2019- seth ventimiglia .jpeg

Seth Ventimiglia is pursuing a degree in Engineering Physics at UW- Platteville

Journey OHS 2019- Andrew Ramage.jpeg

Andrew Ramage is studying Civil Engineering at Milwaukee School of Engineering


There were two Journey is the Reward Scholarship recipients from Oconto High this year.

2018- Journey OHS, Olivia Ortiz.jpeg

Olivia Ortiz Is studying Chemistry-pre-med at UW-Milwaukee





2018- Journey OHS, Morgyn Moes.jpeg


Morgyn Moes is studying Nursing at UWGB





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Suring High School's recipient is: Jerid Herning who is studying Criminal Justice with a Psychology minor at UWGB









Blake Seppel-Suring Journey.jpeg

Brianna Cain received "The Journey is the Reward" Scholarship at Oconto High School.  She is studying Biomedical Engineering at UW-Madison.

Blake Seppel, pictured left, received "The Journey is the Reward" Scholarship at Suring High School





Sawyer Koch received "The Journey is the Reward" Scholarship at Oconto High School.  Sawyer will be studying nursing

Letita Carey Walker recieved the scholarship at Suring High School.



Tori Hipke received "The Journey is the Reward Scholarship" at Oconto High School. Tori is studying at NWTC to pursue a degree in Nursing.

Darian Rose Bowman received the scholarship at Suring High School.  She will also bestudying Nursing at NWTC



Suring High School  - Tyler Fisher


Oconto High School - Kyle Krueger



Suring High School  - Katherine Woods


Oconto High School - Abby Johnson



Suring High School  - Lindsay Schorder


Oconto High School - Kyla Farrar



Suring High School  - Jenna Sperberg


Oconto High School - Kaitlan Thompson



Suring High School  - Hannah Keeffee


Oconto High School - Kyle Galik



Suring High School - Cody Lechleitner


Oconto High School - Amanda Dranheim




Suring High School - Dan Ermis

Oconto High School - Teresa Stenstup




Suring High School  - Charles Cooperman

Oconto High School - Austin Moore




Suring High School  - Kimberly Deering

Oconto High School - Bobbi Jo Pansier




Suring High School  - Gina Heckl

Oconto High School - Ashley Pecha