The Above and Beyond Scholarship at Oconto High School
Sue LeTourneau, who also sponsors the "Journey is the Reward" Scholarships wanted to establish another scholarship at Oconto High School because of the large number of applicants every year who deserve recognition. This scholarship will pay tribute to a different community or family member who went above and beyond in their life to make their community or country a better place. The award with be presented to a senior who plans on following in their footsteps
Eligible for Oconto High School seniors
Myah Mlnarik is studying at UW-Madison and is studying Legal Studies. She is pictured here with Sue LeTourneau, sponsor of the award.
Elizabeth Finger is studying Biology at St. Norbert College
Kathryn Alwin is studying Civil Engineering and a member of the Air Force ROTC at the University of Miami.
Maggie Sohrweide is pursuing a degree in Special Education at UW Whitewater
McKenna Seidl is studying Biomedical Engineering at Michigan Tech
Alayna Westenberg
There were two Above and Beyond Recipients this year.
Seth Brooks (pictured left) is studying Chemical Engineering at UW-Madison
Marcus Young is studying Music Education at UWGB
Brea Bostedt is studying Nursing at UW-Milwaukee
Tyler Wusterbarth is studying Mechanical Engineering at UW-Stout
Christopher Beckman is studying Engineering at Michigan Tech
Blake Campshure will be studying at the milwaukee School of Engineering
Logan Shallow will be attending UW-Madison and pursing a degree in pre-med
Kylee Slough will be attending Northern Michigan University to study Criminal Justice.
The 2012 Above and Beyond Scholarship was dedicated to the 'Chrstensen Sibltings'-Janet, Gordon and Nobert all served in WWII.
Landon James received the second annual Above and Beyond Scholarship in Dedication to John E. Young. He will be entering the Gas Utility Construction program at NWTC.
Tyler Klozetsky received the first annual Above and Beyond Scholarship in Dedication to Clarence LaViolette. Tyler entered into the National Guard his Junior year and will be attending Carroll University with the goal of becoming a Physician Assistant.