The Community Magazine--Thornberry Creek, WI

Adrian Dean of "The Community", a monthly publication for the Thornberry Creek residents in Wisconsin, approached us on doing a story on Brian and the Foundation. His story ended up being the cover story for November!

We can't thank Adrian and his team enough for his support and dedication. He writes about the 'Journey'...please see his point of view at this link on page 12 and 13.  

Thanks Community!

Asheville Solider Remembered through a Community Fundraiser at local Texas Roadhouse

Ken Hess was a father, husband, brother, son and friend. He attended AC Reynolds High School and joined the Army when he was 20. Sadly, Kenny was killed at the age of 26 in the War on Terror. 

Since 2007, the Brian LaViolette Foundation has been awarding the Ken Hess Scholarship of Honor to a deserving High School Senior at AC Reynolds High who has plans on making the world a better place for all.

Please join our community at Texas Roadhouse on Hendersonville Rd on Sunday, November 16th from 11:00am-10:00 pm. They will graciously donate 10% of all meals of those who came in specifically for the fundraiser (for the entire day!) to Kenny's Scholarship.

A Heartwarming Story from Rapid City, SD

Dayna Dyce
Dayna Dyce graduated from Rapid City Stevens High School in May 2014. She worked hard at her full-time job this summer, preparing for college at DSU in the fall. After all of her hard work, she wanted to donate part of her summer earnings to charity. 

Her proud father proposed a challenge.  He matched her contribution of $100 and asked a handful of others in the Rapid City Community to do the same.  This is how $1,175.00 was raised recently for the Joe Welke Scholarship of Honor.

Joe Welke
Joe was a 2003 graduate from Stevens High.  While in high school, Joe played football and earned the Greater Dakota Conference All Conference and Honorable Mention All State honors as a senior.  He enjoyed riding his motorcycle, hunting, fishing, weight training and cars.  Joe was proud to be a United States Marine.   His coach, Joel Hybertson stated, “If we need someone for our Country, I want someone like Joe Welke.  Sadly, Joe was killed in Iraq on November 20, 2004. 

The Joe Welke Scholarship of Honor has been awarded at Stevens High School since 2007 to a graduating senior who makes a true difference in this world. For more details, please visit:  Joe Welke Scholarship of Honor website

Connections Across the Globe

The Weyers Family Foundation has sponsored the Poland Scholarship since 2005. Renata Bruzdziak received our scholarship twice through the Weyers family.

Renata was accepted for the Polish-American Internship at Citigroup in New York City for the summer. She enjoyed the experience very much and a few weeks ago had the opportunity to meet some of the Weyers Family during their visit to NYC!

They had brunch at Tavern on the Green and then took a walk through Central Park. We love when worlds connect, like they often do, through Brian's Foundation!

Brian's Foundation has awarded over 65 scholarships to the students in Poland since we collaborated with the Nidzica Foundation more than a decade ago. It has been a joy!

This past Saturday, was their special presentation ceremony in Nidzica. The generous annual sponsors of the Poland Scholarship sponsor 2 students each year, with a $1000 each...truly life changing for their education. The recipients also received a special engraved Scholarship of Honor medal that hangs from a white ribbon to symbolize international peace.

Dr. Michael and Susan Smullen Family Sponsored: 

Krzysztof Szczephkowski- You will see an update from him below! Applied Linguistics, University in Gdansk, 4th year (they sponsored him last year, as well)

Aleksandra Magdalena Bojanowska, The Medical University in Bialystok Medical Analitics, 1st year.

The Weyers Family Foundation Sponsored:

Małgorzata Młyńska--Environmental Protection, University of Warsaw, 5th year. (they sponsored him last year, as well)

Tomasz Pisarski, The Warmia and Mazury University in Olsztyn, Economics, 3rd year

The Robert and Darlene Nueske Family Sponsored:

Daniel Traczewski: Economics/Finance and Accounting/Computer Science and Econometrics, University in Warsaw4th year (you sponsored him last year, as well)

Natalia Dawidczyk, The Warmia and Mazury University in Olsztyn, Economics, 1st year

Our 2014 Scholarship Recipients Thank YOU!

“I would like to express how thankful and how very honored I am to have received a scholarship from this foundation.  I will be pursuing a secondary education degree for social sciences at UW-Whitewater.  I can’t send enough thanks for the contribution to my education and goals of changing the world through teaching."

Shae Scharther, 2014 Jesse Thiry Scholarship of Honor
Sponsor: Whetter Law Offices

“I am really honored to get this scholarship. In reading Brian’s story he seems like a person I would of hung out with. I look up to Brian LaViolette because it shows me that you need to live life to the fullest and appreciate every second. I think that he did that, and that’s why I am honored to receive this scholarship. Thank you very much.

--Tyler Fisher, Journey is the Reward Scholarship-Suring High School
Sponsor: Sue LeTourneau

This scholarship means a lot to me because Ryan risked his life to help others and although I will not be joining the military, I too wish to follow his dream of helping others. This money is going to help me pay for my college tuition, so I can follow and pursue my dream of becoming a nurse. I greatly appreciate everything this foundation is doing for all the students they support. I truly feel lucky to have received this reward.”

--Mercedes Dumas, Ryan Jerabek Scholarship of Honor
Sponsor: Premier Community Bank

“ I am humbled to have been recognized on behalf of Brian and LTG Robert Foley. Following in their footsteps will be a difficult journey, but their inspiration is leading me down the path to do all that I am able to help and assist those around me.”

--Charles Whitaker, 2014 Robert Foley Scholarship of Honor recipient
Sponsor: Brian LaViolette Foundation

"This scholarship is a blessing for me. It means a lot because it will help me with college and support my dreams to come true. Getting this scholarship is a great honor. Thank you.

--Phouthasone Sayarong, Andrew Brownfield Scholarship of Honor
Sponsor: Omnova Solutions Foundation

“Receiving this scholarship helps me fund my college expenses and can help me get one step closer to become a special education teacher. I want to help kids grown in their education and develop with their disability. I just want to make kids happy and enjoy life and learning.

--Mackenzie Busch, John Bradley Scholarship of Honor
Sponsor: Weyers Family Foundation

“To receive the Brent Vroman Scholarship is an honor to know I’m following in the footsteps of other great men and woman who served this country.  I’m very proud to have received it and I plan on using it as I attend UW Milwaukee and participate in the NROTC program at Marquette University.”

-Haley Garvens, 2014 Brent Vroman Scholarship of Honor
Sponsor: John and Kathy Lochner Family

“I am so honored to receive the Kyle Hemauer Scholarship of Honor. This scholarship will assist me in furthering my education and eventually entering the medical field. Thanks to the Brian LaViolette Foundation and the Hemauer family I will be able to achieve my life goal of helping others.”

--Marcus Wise, Kyle Hemauer Scholarship of Honor
Sponsor: Community of Chilton

There are so many words that come to mind when I think of Brian’s Foundation. The love expressed through Rachel Bosveld’s parents with the gift of their scholarship assistance and the endearing story of Brian will forever be a part of my own “story” as I chart my path to becoming the best registered nurse I can be. I choose the word “Gratitude” for helping me with my journey.

--Kelsey Thompson, Rachel Bosveld Scholarship of Honor
Sponsor: Bob and Darlene Nueske

“I cannot thank you enough for the generous scholarship and beautiful medal you have gifted me! With this scholarship I have the funds to accomplish so much in my college career, and for that I am wholly thankful. I am honored to have had my accomplishments recognized and my hard work rewarded in the way that this scholarship has recognized and rewarded me. Thank you again and again-the James Cathey Scholarship of Honor you have given me is a gift that I will make sure to put to good use.

Thank you for being so generous and for sharing the memory of Brian LaViolette and Lt. James Cathey with me.”
--Christiana Karcher, James Cathey Scholarship of Honor recipient
Sponsor: Remembering the Brave Foundation

“First of all it was an honor to receive this scholarship, especially knowing the meaning behind it. This scholarship will not only help me to further my studies but to continue to participate in volunteering through my future schooling. Ultimately preparing me for a career oriented towards helping and serving others.”

--Peggy Campbell, Mike Colalillo Scholarship of Honor
Sponsor: Guy J. and Karen R. Smith

“I’d like to start off with a huge thank you to yourself and the Brian LaViolette Scholarship Foundation for choosing me as the recipient for the Esther Cleveland Safford Scholarship. Receiving this scholarship was a great honor and privilege to me. I greatly appreciate that you have chosen me to receive this scholarship.
--Samantha Beekman, Recipient of Esther Cleveland Scholarship
Sponsor: Victoria Parmentier

“This scholarships means that I have a name to live up to. I hope to bring great honor and pride to Elmer Burr and Ken Stumpf.

--Nathan Hutter, Ken Stumpf and Elmer Burr Scholarship of Honor recipient
Sponsor: Guy J. Smith, Suburban Electrical Engineers/Contractors Inc

“I would like to thank the men and women who have given their lives for the freedom and liberties I am able to possess. I am honored to receive this scholarship to pursue a career in the pharmaceutical field in order to serve my community.”
--Claire Gray, Jerome Hatfield Scholarship of Honor
Sponsor:  Endowment Drive Underway

“Thank you so much for choosing me to be your scholarship recipient. I am currently attending nursing assistant classes and I am also enrolled in LPN course for the fall of 2014 at the College of Menominee Nation. This scholarship will help me out a ton! Thank you so much.”

--McKenna Pyawasit, Ollie Bogsted Scholarship recipient
Sponsor: Family of Ollie Bogsted

“Thank you again for this opportunity and your generosity towards my further education. I am eager to enter the college of Liberal Arts at the U of M in the fall. My family and I eternally grateful to you for selecting me for your scholarship. I am determined to succeed in school and do my best to make a difference in the school system and the in many students’ lives.

--Shaina Dodson, Ben Edinger Scholarship of Honor recipient
Sponsor: John Maino and Nick Show and Friends and Family of Ben Edinger

“This scholarship means a lot to me, much more than you’d normally expect. I’m extremely grateful and honored to be receiving this scholarship. It means even more because I received it based on my school involvement rather than athletic or academics”

-Blake Champshare, Above and Beyond Scholarship
Sponsor: Sue LeTourneau

“This scholarship opens a new chapter in my future that allows me to make a difference in the animal community and influence future generations that you can achieve goals you set for yourself”

--Katy Koeppel, Nueske Family Scholarship of Excellence-Veterinarian Medicine
Sponsor: Nueske's Applewood Smoked Meats

“Receiving the Danny Dietz Scholarship of Honor means more to me than anyone will ever know.  I’m forever thankful to the Brian LaViolette Scholarship Foundation for giving me the opportunity to venture into college and start the life that I know is destined for me.  The financial burdens of college are lessened with the help of the Scholarship Foundation and I’m very grateful. 

The scholarship not only provides financial help, but also support from amazing people throughout my journey to become a caretaker.  The family of Danny Dietz continually inspires me not only with their kindness, but also in their knowledge that people can change the world, like their son. 

Danny Dietz is a hero who supported his country in a very important and real way and I ‘ll be lucky if I’m to ever life up to his reputation.  His dedication and courage will forever remind and encourage me to help the world and my country by become a doctor and helping the communities around the world.”

-Michelle Mai-Danny Dietz Scholarship of Honor recipient
Sponsor: The Mader Family and the friends and family of Danny Dietz

Door County resident Bill Welter has joined the our Advisory Board.

"I was impressed with the Brian LaViolette Foundation,” Bill Welter said., “To tragically lose a child who had so much potential to do good in life and see how this family has literally poured their life into doing something good in Brian’s memory, is to me what life is all about.”
Welter may be best known for being the driving force behind the one of the most memorable advertising campaigns in history, “Where’s the beef?” for Wendy’s.
He has been in marketing for much of his career. He has earned three CLIO international marketing awards and has chartered new avenues of promotion and public relation success in the competitive restaurant market.
He is the founder of Santa Silent Helpers and is actively involved in his church and other community efforts, including the Door County Humane Society and the Third Avenue Playhouse board in Sturgeon Bay. He also serves on the board of an Internet startup, Celebrating Legacy. Welcome aboard Bill!

56 Journeys

Over the years, we all have learned that ONE person can truly make an impact out there, influence those they meet and inspire others in the endeavors they choose to be a part of.

As a Foundation, we are assisting 56 students this year on their journey. Those 56 individuals are from varying cultures, have different family backgrounds, unique dreams and have set out to make a difference in this world. 

If one person can make such an impact, just think what 56 offer this world! 

As a 'Foundation Family', we are ALL a small part of the following journeys. 

Our 2014 scholarship recipients shown in bold. (in order of presentation date)

Joel Gentz Scholarship: Charles Logsdon, United States Air Force

Sal Giunta Scholarship: Shelby Chostner, Nursing

General George S. Patton Scholarship: Barbora Petermannova, Nursing

Matt Atkinson Community Scholarship: Emily Whitston, General Studies

Joe Welke Scholarship: Chassandra, Marine Corps

Ron Sager Scholarship:  Sara Riehle, Nursing 

Victoria Parmentier Scholarship: Carleigh Sachs,Education

Rachel Bosveld Scholarship:  Kelsey Thompson, Nursing 

Kyle Hemauer Scholarship: Marcus Wise, Pre-med

Jerome Hatfield Scholarship: Claire Gray, Pharmacy  

Andrew Brownfield Scholarship:  Phouthasone Sayavong, Education

Isaiah Hunt Scholarship:  Andrew Wojkiewicz, Marine Corps

Danny Dietz Scholarship: Michelle Mai, Pre-med

Robert Foley Scholarship: Charles Witaker, United States Army

Len Keller Scholarship: Raven Wainwright, Pharmacy 

Brian LaViolette Scholarship: Kelly Szczepanski, Nursing

Ellsworth-LaViolette Scholarship: *first annual presentation 
    Brady Blasher, Agriculture
    MacKenzi Krieger, Physical Therapy
    Cheyenne Paulson, Classical Archaeology
    Japheth Willmore, Physical Therapy

Ryan Jerabek Scholarship: Mercedes Dumas, Nursing

Ben Edinger Scholarship: Shaina Dodson, Education

John Bradley Scholarship: Christian J. Filipiak, Physician's Assistant 

James Cathey Scholarship:  Christiana Karcher, Pre-med

Brent Vroman Scholarship: Haley Garvens

Jesse Thiry Scholarship:  Shae Schartner, Education

Ken Hess Scholarship:  Ashleigh Parton, Nursing

Ollie Bogsted Scholarship: McKenna Pyawasit, General Studies

"The Journey is the Reward" Scholarship: Tyler Fisher, General Studies

NWTC Scholarship-Suring High School: Jacquelyn Lenz

Ken Kubsch Scholarship: Michaela Schmidt,  Nursing

Eric McColley Scholarship: Dakota Peterson, Criminal Justice

Nichole Frye Scholarship: Olivia Storm, Criminal Justice 

Nueske Family Scholarship of Excellence: *first annual presentation 
    Katelyn Koeppel, Veterinarian 
    Brendan Lehman, Pharmacy

Above and Beyond Scholarship: Blake Campshure, Engineering

Esther Cleveland Safford Scholarship: Samantha Beekman, Education

Robert Safford Scholarship: Conner Moe, Business and Finance

"The Journey is the Reward" Scholarship: Kyle Krueger, Pre-med

NWTC Scholarship-Oconto: Carli Meyer, Graphic Design

Mike Colalillo Scholarship: Peggy Campbell, Nursing

Ken Stumpf-Elmber Burr Scholarship: Nathan Hunter, United States Army

South Africa Scholarship: Brian Ntshikila, Teaching  

Tom Hudner: To be awarded in August

Nainoa Hoe Scholarship: To be awarded in August

Poland Scholarships (6 students): To be awarded in September

St. Norbert Scholarships (4 students): To be awarded in October 

Junior Achievement-Awarded during Business Challenge to Amanda Charles in February

Pulaski High School Student is Awarded Brian LaViolette $10,000 Scholarship

Kelly Szczepanski , a graduate of Pulaski High School has been named the winner of the 2014 Brian LaViolette Scholarship.  She will be awarded $10,000 over 4 years towards her tuition at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh.  She will be pursuing her dream of becoming a nurse practitioner.

Kelly was chosen from a group of 17 applicants by the Partners in Education committee and LaViolette family following considerations of an essay submission, interview, community service activities and leadership positions.

She is pictured here with her parents Daniel and Shirley

Brian LaViolette Spirit Award

Last week we gathered with some very special people at our Spirit Award Luncheon to honor 6 individuals.  
The Brian LaViolette Spirit Award is our way to say 'thank you' to those individuals who give selflessly to improve their community and Brian's Foundation.

We were honored to present it to the following:

Darrel Burnett-our voice of the Foundation. He has been the Master of Ceremonies at all of our events and has helped us endlessly with copy edits and insights.  Darrel also sits on the Foundation's Board of  Directors and Advisory Board

Bill and Connie Schuler- our 'go to' team.  These two take responsibility without question and are the key to the success of our events. Connie also sits on our Advisory Board.
From left to right: Gregg Schneider, Ron and Colleen Weyers, Darrel Burnett, Connie and Bill Schuler
Gregg Schneider- our behind-the-scenes guy. Everything you have seen or held in your hand that showcases the Foundation has been designed by Gregg.  He has donated his design talent since the first day we became a Foundation.

Ron and Colleen Weyers-key supporters and believers in what we do. The entire Weyers family goes above and beyond to ensure the success of Brian's Foundation.  Their foundation has also sponsored several scholarships.

Creating Your Legacy

Planned giving offers you the opportunity to leave a gift of lasting significance to the Brian LaViolette Foundation, while providing tax and other financial benefits to you, your family and your estate.

While a planned gift can offer you tax benefits, it also allows you to support the Brian LaViolette Foundation’s mission without affecting your current financial situation. Estate gifts have immense value to the Foundation because they allow us to address long-term goals and objectives.

Different possibilities include charitable gift annuities, lead trusts, gifts of life insurance or appreciated securities and bequests. You can be an important part of the future for our students in decades to come.

"There is no more dedicated and visionary form of commitment to the future success and growth of the Brian LaViolette Scholarship Foundation than a planned gift and it is so easy to do. I chose to make the Foundation a beneficiary of my life insurance proceeds to ensure the continuation of the annual scholarship I fund at Ashwaubenon High School. Please give consideration to joining others who have named the Brian LaViolette Scholarship Foundation in their estate-planning vehicles, such as trusts and wills." -Victoria R. Parmentier

Benefits of Planned Gifts

Through planned or deferred giving, it is possible to:
• Make gifts to the Foundation that you might have previously thought impossible.
• Maximize your charitable contribution.
• Receive advantageous tax deductions under both state and federal law.
• Turn appreciated assets into an income for yourself and/or other family members.
• Increase your current income by reducing taxes and or avoiding capital gains tax.
• Pass assets to family at a reduced tax cost.
• Achieve your goals for the Brian LaViolette Foundation while enhancing your own personal financial plans and security.
• Make a significant donation to a charity, like the Brian LaViolette Foundation that will help us plan well into the future with an assured confidence.
• Experience the pride and satisfaction that comes with providing a major gift to a cause you support.
Although selecting a Planned Giving strategy can seem overwhelming. There are many options available, each with their own benefits and restrictions. The following are different types of planned gifts you can make to the Foundation.

Types of Planned Gifts:

• Bequests and Wills
• Charitable and Deferred Gift Annuities
• IRA or other Employee Benefit Plans
• Life Insurance Plans
• Mutual Funds
• Retirement Assets
• Annual and Special Gifts, Securities and Stocks
• Real estate and other assets Giving Made Easy If you have named the Brian LaViolette Foundation as a beneficiary in your estate plan, or if you are making plans to do so, please let us know by submitting an Estate Intention Letter.

Spring is one of our favorite seasons for the Foundation, mostly because it is Scholarship Season! 
Brian Ntshikila is attending LEAP Science and Maths School in South Africa.  He is pictured here with teacher, Mona Ewees.

Please see the date and times for our presentations below. We are truly looking forward to another year ahead and you can be apart of it!  

If you'd like to attend any of the presentations in your area, please let us know.

2014...Changing Lives, One Scholarship at a Time

Joel Gentz: Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN- April 26th

Sal Giunta: JFK High School, Cedar Rapid, IA- April 28, 6:30 pm
Megan Moore received the 1st annual 
Rachel Bosveld Scholarship of Honor in 2013. 
She is pictured here with Rachel's dad, Marvin and his wife, Julie.

General George S. Patton: Pilsen, Czech
Republic,- May 2nd 

John Bradley: Appleton West High School, WI- May 12, 6:30 pm

Rachel Bosveld: Waupun High School, WI- May 14, 7:00 pm  

Victoria Parmentier Scholarship: Ashwaubenon High School, WI-May 14, 6:30 pm

Joe Welke: Rapid City Stevens High School, SD- May 15, 7:00pm 

Andrew Brownfield: North High School, Akron, OH- May 16, 9:00 am
Jerome Hatfield: Tunstall High School, Dry Fork, VA- May 16, 8:45 am 

Isaiah Hunt:  Bayport High School, WI-- May 16, 9:00am
Matt Atkinson Community: Green Bay East, WI- May 19, 7:00 pm

Danny Dietz: Heritage High School, Littleton, CO-- May 19, 6:30 pm 
Lukas Buttke, the 2013 Brian LaViolette Scholarship recipient is pictured here with his parents, Kim and George.

Brian LaViolette: Partners in Education Youth Celebration, WI- May 20, 6:00 pm

Ellsworth Scholarship:  Belding High School, MI- May 21, 7:00 pm *First time scholarship award presentation

Kyle Hemauer: Chilton High School, WI--May 21, 7:00pm

Len Keller: Auburn High School, Rockford IL-May 21, 6:00 pm

Ken Kubsch:  Manitowoc High School, WI May 21, 7:00 pm

Ron Sager:  Fox Valley Lutheran High School, WI- May 21, 9:00am

Ben Edinger: Green Bay West High School, WI-- May 21, 6:30pm

Brent Vroman: Omro High School, WI May 21, 6:45pm 

Jesse Thiry:  Luxemburg Casco High School, WI, May 23, 9:00 am

Robert Foley: United States Military Academy, West Point NY- May 27, 2:00 pm

Nueske Family: Wittenberg-Birnamwood High School, WI- May 27 * First Annual Scholarship award presentation
Bhim Sutar will be studying to become a nurse. Theresa Carter of Omnova Business Solutions who sponsors the award presents at North High School.

Ken Hess:  Reynolds High School, Asheville NC-TBD 

Ollie Bogsted Scholarship: Suring High School, WI-Awarded in May

"The Journey is the Reward" Scholarship: Suring High School, WI- Awarded in May 

NWTC Scholarship: Suring High School, WI-- Awarded in May 

Eric McColley: Gettysburg High School, PA-- May 28, 7:00pm

Nichole Frye: Lena High School, WI-- May 28, 7:30pm

James Cathey: Reno High School, NV- May 28, 7:00 pm

Ryan Jerabek: Pulaski High School, WI- May 28, 8:30 am

Above and Beyond Scholarship: Oconto High School, WI-May 28, 7:30pm

Esther Cleveland Safford: Oconto High School, WI- May 28 7:30pm

Robert Safford: Oconto High School, WI- May 28, 7:30pm

"The Journey is the Reward":Oconto High School, WI-May 28, 7:30pm

NWTC Scholarship: Oconto High School, WI- May 28,  7:30pm 
Cody Christensen with his parents at the NWTC awards night

Mike Colalillo: Denfeld High School, MN-May 29, 7:00pm

Ken Stumpf, Elmer Burr: Menasha High School, WI-June 3, 9:30am

Tom Hudner: Civil Air Patrol, Appleton, WI-TBD

Nainoa Hoe: 1Lt Nainoa K. Hoe Battle Command Training Center, Schofield Barracks, HI- August 28

South Africa Scholarship: LEAP School Science and Math, Cape Town, Republic of South Africa--Summer of 2014

Poland Scholarships (6 Scholarships): Nidzica Foundation Award Ceremony, Nidzica Poland-September  

St. Norbert Scholarships (4 Scholarships): DePere, WI --October 2014

Junior Achievement-Awarded during Business Challenge to Amanda Charles in February  

Remembering a Special Evening

On a very cold November night our hearts were warmed by all who helped us make "An American Story" come to life.

We captured every moment at the Meyer Theatre that night and are happy to let you know that we have DVD's for sale of "Sharing An American Story".

Not only does the DVD feature the 30 minute documentary, Return to Pilsen by WLUK-FOX 11, but the entire evening! Each chapter highlights a different part of the evening.

In one chapter, be awed again by the magic of Justin Flom.

In another, re-live the powerful speech by Pilsen's Mayor, Martin Baxa.

Enjoy the musical talent by Preble Chamber Choir.

...and much more!

They are available for sale in several locations in Wisconsin:
  • Camera Corner Connecting Point, 529 Monroe Ave., Green Bay, WI 54301 
  • Global Recognition, 980 Velp Ave., Green Bay, WI 54303 
  • Jet Air Group, 1921 Airport Road, Green Bay, WI 54304 
  • Madison Avenue Salon and Spa, 413 Madison St. Green Bay, WI 54301 
  • Nueske's Applewood Smoked Meats Company Store, Wittenberg, WI 54499 
  • The Liberty Lodge at Sister Bay starting June 1st, Sister Bay, WI 54234 
  • WLUK FOX 11, 787 Lombardi Avenue, Green Bay, WI 54304 

Please share with friends or give as a gift, we have them for sale for only $10.00. (Shipping costs if applicable: 1-3 DVDs: $5.00 4-10 DVDs: $10.00 11 and over: $15.00)

If you are interested in purchasing a DVD of this special evening, please let Kim LaViolette know at or 828-242-3790.

Remembering Julie Hoerth

A lot of times, when I'm blogging, I'm just whipping up a post in about twenty minutes. My brain moves faster than I can type, and the words never capture all the details I want to include. They are imperfect, like everything else in this life, and that's ok. This post is especially imperfect, because I could never say everything I wanted on this topic. Never in a million words. Sometimes, emotion is just too big to define.

Last week, January 23rd marked what would have been the 37th birthday of Brian.

Brian is the brother of my friend, Kim. Kim and I met in the first grade, and being her friend was a no-brainer. She was sweet and kind and funny. She had huge glasses that I was jealous of and a Barbie dream house that we played with for hours on end. Her mom filled us up with the best after-school snacks, and her older brother Brian let us follow him around and watch Back to the Future with him when we grew bored of singing and dancing with the Mickey Mouse Club. As we got older, Brian taught us how to play pool. We traded in our Barbies for billiard balls and became 12-year-old pool sharks, Kim and I.

One day, when Brian was fifteen, he and three friends went to Door County for the weekend. While swimming in the bay, an undertow made it too difficult for him to return to shore. 

Over the past 23 years, I have revisited the day Brian went missing over and over in my head, more times than I can count. Kim was at my house that August afternoon. We were swimming in the backyard and my mom came outside to tell us that Kim's parents were on their way over and that we should get out of the pool. That was all my mom said, but Kim and I hustled out of the pool and exchanged a glance with each other, silently acknowledging a mutual feeling - something wasn't right. Looking back, as a parent now myself, I don't know how my mother held it together in that moment. Actually, knowing my mom, she'd say it was all God. 

This is the point where I could try my hardest to explain the sadness and despair and helplessness I felt when Brian went missing. Or the shock and heartache I witnessed in Kim and her parents during the five days it took to recover Brian's body from the bay. Or the finality I felt at Brian's funeral - a feeling I had never before experienced. I was only twelve. But trying to describe those things would never do the feelings justice.

When someone dies, countless people are affected, and so many people suffer each loss at different levels. When Brian died, Kim lost her brother. Doug and Renee lost their son. He was a cousin, a nephew, a grandson, a friend, a teammate, a classmate, a student, a coworker, a neighbor. To someone, he was a kid from church, to another, a caddy at the golf course, and to at least one teenage girl - probably more - he was a first crush. The list goes on and on. To me, he was my best friend's brother.

Kim and I could have made an interesting case study. We were lucky kids with great families. The most we had ever worried about at twelve years old was what boy we should call after school or what to wear to the next middle school dance. But then suddenly, this. Devastating loss. Tragedy. Kim - a twelve-year-old girl who lost her brother and very best friend, and me - her twelve-year-old friend trying to understand it all and essentially, make her feel better about something that you just can't fix.
Our friendship changed. Everything did, as we adjusted to a new normal. But thankfully, it made us closer. I still remember the first time Kim slept over at my house after Brian died. We were on the living room floor, sleeping bags pulled up to our chins, probably talking about boys from school, and Kim suddenly said, "I see Brian everywhere." We cried a little, and talked about Brian for hours.

Thank God that old saying rings true: time truly does heal. I think it numbs certain feelings and memories as well, making the sharp, painful parts softer and more tolerable. It enables you to carry on.

Every year on Brian's birthday I revisit some of the memories of knowing Brian, and feelings from the time surrounding his death come flooding back. I also marvel at how far his family has come since that day, and how much of an influence they have had on others. Kim's family did something amazing with their grief. They channeled it into a scholarship foundation in Brian's name, which started out as a one-student scholarship at our high school, but has grown locally, nationally and globally, granting over 575 scholarships around the world.

In the years since Brian's been gone from this world, his life and death have been talked about by many, near and far. Brian definitely left a legacy, helping all of these young people pursue their dreams, and hopefully contribute to a brighter future for all. It is truly, truly amazing that from the tragedy of Brian's death, so many people have been helped. I know that he would be extremely proud of what his family did in his name.

But to me, most days, Brian isn't a legacy. He's still the older brother of my friend, Kim. Handsome, with a shy smile and a quick wit. Waving at me from behind the lawn mower, as I ran up the sidewalk to the front door of Kim's house. Daring us, on freezing cold days, to roll around in the snow then jump into the steaming hot tub. Watching Stand By Me, then spending hours in the basement playing ping pong and teaching us how to shoot pool. Teasing us to leave him alone, but then inviting us into his room with his friends to listen to Guns N' Roses, Use Your Illusion. (Kim, remember those dance moves he and Austin showed us? I sure do.) 

Brian, you are truly missed by so many, each and every day. I'm so grateful to God for having known you. Because of your death, I learned at a young age that death isn't something to be feared, and I have never shied away from those who are grieving. Because of your life, I learned even more, about hard work, about celebrating the journey and especially about living a life of love and kindness. 

PS - When we meet again, you can bet I'll be teasing you about your Guns N' Roses dance moves.

Remembering you on your birthday and always.

Happy 37th Birthday Brian!

37 years ago, this guy was born. And we are sure glad he was. 

A quote from the autobiography Brian wrote for an 8th grade assignment..     
"One thing I don't remember is my first birthday party.  But through the magic of photography, I found out many things.  I saw I had a Mickey Mouse cake, loved the frosting and had nineteen guests."

And here is the photo to prove it. 

Brian brought a lot of joy into the lives of people who knew him.  And he still does, thanks to the Foundation that bears his name.   Brian's birthday is still bitter-sweet for us, but mostly sweet (No pun intended). 

Most of us take time to reflect on the past year during our birthday time. On January 23rd, we take special time to reflect on Brian's life.  

As a family, Brian continues to bring us joy not only from our memories, but through all of you. He has "introduced" us to so many since he passed away. Through his foundation and the spirit he left behind, we know all of you.  

Now, that is pretty sweet.

Doug and Kim LaViolette featured on CW 14's Robert Hornacek show!

Robert Hornacek of CW 14 in Green Bay, Wisconsin approached Brian's Foundation to be featured on his Sunday morning show.

During the half hour interview program, Robert was very kind and we were able to reflect on Brian, as well as the growth of his Scholarship Foundation that honors 70% other people in addition to Brian. If you missed the original air date, you can view it in its entirety online here!

We do hope you take the time to check it out and share with others!

Special Opportunity in 2014

We have some very special news for 2014-a Sharing an American Story" European Cruise and Tour!

As you know, we established the General George S. Patton Scholarship of Honor in Plzen, Czech Republic. It is awarded during the Liberation Festival which every May celebrates the liberation of Plzen by General Patton and US Third Army in 1945.

And thanks to Foundation board member Bob Nueske and WLUK-Fox 11 News we brought you the documentary "Sharing an American Story" about Plzen's 2013 Liberation Festival, its citizens and Brian's Foundation. 

"Sharing an American Story" which premiered at our special event on 11.12.13, has inspired a very special idea-  the "Sharing an American Story" Cruise and Tour for Brian's Foundation members and World War II veterans, their families and friends to the 2014 Plzen Liberation Festival so that all can have the chance to experience the joyful reality of "Sharing an American Story". 

Join a wonderful community and heroic World War II veterans as guests of honor at the Plzen Liberation Festival. Be there when the General George S. Patton Scholarship of Honor is awarded. Plzen and its citizens will really appreciate our coming and make us feel so welcome. You will make new friends, get a unique insight into their way of life and truly understand how and why their American liberation in World War II is so important to them. 

On the way to Plzen, we have a wonderful six-day Danube river cruise visiting some of Europe's finest cities. Starting from Hungary's capital Budapest on April 27,we cruise via Slovakia's capital Bratislava to Austria's capital Vienna, through the World Heritage Wachau to medieval Regensburg in Germany. Then we disembark and drive via Hitler's Third Reich Nuremberg cross-country in the footsteps of Patton's Third Army over the Czech border to Plzen. After all the excitement of the 2014 Plzen Liberation Festival, we finally arrive in the beautiful historic Czech capital Prague, where we hope to have a Farewell Grand Reception with the US Ambassador on on May 7.

Our Danube cruise ship will be the upscale Austrian 'Amadeus Royal'. Go to  and view the 'Amadeus Royal' in the "Fleet" section. The major US tour operator Gate 1 has chartered it, and you can see a good explanatory video on YouTube, called "The Gate 1 River Cruise Experience". This gives you a real feel for our cruise and features many of the places we will visit like Budapest, Bratislava, Vienna, Melk, the Wachau, Regensburg and Nuremberg. Most of the video features the cruise ship 'Amadeus Symphony'. But our 'Amadeus Royal' is exactly the same, just two years younger! 

Patrick Hinchy
We are fortunate to have Patrick Hinchy as our Tour Director. Multilingual Patrick has a master's degree from Oxford University and is one of the most experienced and expert guides of World War II veterans tours in Europe. He met Doug LaViolette and Bob Nueske at a previous Pilsen Liberation Festival and as a result became very interested in Brian's Foundation, admired what it had achieved and wanted to support it. 

As an expert Tour Director, Patrick offered to create, plan and organize this "Sharing an American Story" Cruise and Tour and to make a generous personal private donation to Brian's Foundation.

For more details and full itinerary, booking and payment details of the Brian LaViolette Foundation 'Sharing an American Story" Danube Cruise and Tour to Plzen Liberation Festival and Prague April 27-May8, 2014, go to MilSpec Tours MilSpec Tours is a reputable, long established specialist veterans tour operator. Its CEO Butch Sincock is a decorated Vietnam veteran and Executive Director of the 25th Infantry Division Association. 

If you want to join our "Sharing an American Story" Cruise and Tour, please don't delay booking. Patrick cannot take more than 40 people but needs a minimum of 20 for it to take place. The earlier you book, the greater your choice of cabins on our cruise ship, the 'Amadeus Royal'. Finally, if you book during January, you will receive a $700 discount.  

Click here for Cruise Brochure and how you can join Milspec Tours on the once-in-a-lifetime trip!

Medal of Honor recipient, Sal Giunta on Brian's Foundation and the scholarship in his name

The Sal Giunta Scholarship of Honor is awarded annually at his alma mater, John F. Kennedy High School in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. The scholarship will honor the soldiers he tried to save, SGT Josh Brennan and SPC Hugo Mendoza. It will continue Sal’s legacy and allow SGT Brennan and SPC Mendoza's spirit to live on.

It had been over 40 years since a living Medal of Honor recipient was awarded our nation’s highest military honor. SSG Sal Giunta was the first living person to receive the United States Armed Froces' highest decoration for valor for actions that occurred after the Vietnam War.

You still have a chance to see 'Return to Pilsen!'

General Patton's Grandson, George Patton Waters the night of 11.12.13
Thanks to WLUK-FOX 11 in Green Bay, Wisconsin, we were able to share and premiere a very special documentary on our General George S. Patton Scholarship of Honor in Pilsen Czech Republic on 11.12.13.

The documentary also highlights the love the citizens of the Czech Republic have for Americans for helping liberate their country.  You won't want to miss it!

The film rebroadcast, commercial-free thanks to Amerprise Auto and Home Insurance on these dates:

December 14 – 5:00 PM

And on on CW14
Sunday, December 8:00 AM at 12 noon

You can also view it online here!

What a night! 11.12.13

We knew the numerical day of 11.12.13 was a special one, but for Brian's Foundation it was amazing and memorable. We hope our 900 guests felt the same.

We packed a lot into one night, but thanks to dozens of folks behind the scenes and our amazing friend, board member and master of ceremonies, Darrel Burnett it was flawless.

As I sat next to Mom and Dad in the beautiful Meyer Theatre, I was in awe. I recognized many people from our community and also many people who I was seeing for the first time. The people around us laughed, they cried at touching moments and when they clapped I could feel their love and support with each sound.

Mayor Martin Baxa, Pilsen Czech Republic
We had many people who traveled to Green Bay, Wisconsin during the week of November 12th. For some it was their first time in the United States! The Mayor of Pilsen in the Czech Republic, Martin Baxa arrived at the very, very quiet Green Bay Airport on a Saturday night beaming, "This is my first time in the U.S." 

My first reaction to Mayor Baxa's comment was, "oh and it is winter weather here in Green Bay already" but we couldn't have been happier. Most of you know I live in North Carolina and when I travel back to Wisconsin, I am reminded of the kindness, the friendless and the warmth of the is the heartland of America.

FOX 11's Mark Leland in Pilsenthis past May
Mayor Baxa gave a heartfelt speech that night (In English!). It was very powerful and energized the audience. We will share his special speech and the entire evening with you when we receive the recording from the event. It was incredibly moving. 

One of the reasons for their visit was for the premiere viewing a documentary done by WLUK FOX 11 on Pilsen's liberation festival, their love for Americans and our Scholarship there. 

Another special moment was having our first Brian LaViolette Scholarship recipient in town from South Carolina. He is no stranger to the cold weather, since he grew up here and was actually friends with Brian. Thanks to a board member's donation of air miles he could join us! 

We loved having him with us and know the audience was happy to see our first recipient... 20 years later. 

 And there was MAGIC! Justin Flom was astounding and performed many tricks, including an interactive card trick with the audience. As you know there are 52 cards in a deck and we have 52 scholarships presented annually. The audiences' costume deck featured one of our scholarships on each card! 

Look at my face as he performed this one...ha ha,but seriously how did he do that?!  

The Green Bay Preble Chamber Choir performed beautifully. Several soloists were also past scholarship recipients! Green Bay Preble Chamber Choir We had many more impactful speeches and touching moments on 11.12.13, including that our 'foundation family' has grown even more. 

 *All these beautiful photos (except the one of Mark Leland) are by friend and board member, Kim Klein Photography